Friday, February 13, 2009

Informant U: Word #2


The Company’s version: u.s. experts who gather info about people or groups expected of spying.

my version: a teen orphan whom you hired–becuz she can do it better than you–to gather info about people or groups expected of spying. and doing other..nasty…stuff.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

spectator only

the Prompt O' The Day is brought to you by sunday scribblings : "sports."

in all my 16 yrs, ive never participated in sports. i was never really interested.

i was too busy trying to survive foster care hell. not gonna go there.

im a spectator during the olympics--both winter and summer. and that's about as good as it gets.

ok, kung-fu considered to be a sport?

it should be.

an activity that allows you to shout out "HI-YAH!" needs to be a sport.

sneaky valentines

saw this video on yahoo headlines today.

i find it interesting that sales are up on spy products during whats supposed to be the most romantic time of the year.

i think this recession is making couples crazy. and suspicious.

Monday, February 9, 2009

youre changing it NOW???!

so, celise announced that shes changing the name of the series.

im not sure how i feel about that yet.

i can see it from both points of view: the original title had the potential of misleading readers. the new one doesnt.

notice i said potential.


i dont know if i should side with her since she told me shes making me "cooler."

whats up with that shit?

does that mean i wasnt cool before?



complete and utter crap.

i dont like the new title.

it sucks

Sunday, February 8, 2009

the zen of art

I came across this blog called sunday scribblings over the weekend. apparently, they provide weekly writing prompts.


so i thought i might dip my pen in the inkpool and try out last week's word: art

i attend craycroft school of the arts. its a charter school that mostly focuses on creative achievement rather than athletic. for the record, there are no sports at this school.

all the kids that go here are artistic in some way. whether its drawing or dancing, they express themselves in different ways.

seeing as how i was homeschooled, i never had the chance to attend a school like this. im not complaining, mind you. homeschooling was awesome and great. i should know. i graduated when i was 13.

the point is, im glad i have the chance now. i wish i had the opportunity to explore my artistic side in the form of acting, but that's a no-go for now.

fortunately, i was able to find something else that appealed to me. and i can even use it for The Job.


i find that im quite good at self portraits. ha.
i cant post the stuff i click for The Job. Chief, not to mention The Company, would kick my apple-shaped butt. cant afford to piss them off.
so.....this was fun. ill have to see what next week brings.