Friday, January 23, 2009

Informant U: Word #1


a person who stays in his or her regular job but is actually in that job to get secret information and spy.

i can honestly say that i am an agent-in-place. At CSA.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

trying to get my groove back

doing this school thing is hard. i mean, the public school thing. i was homeschooled, as you may know. or not. i graduated from high school was i was 13.

being at CSA is my cover.

i have to be here. so basically, im learning some of this stuff over again.

im taking geometry, humanities, biology and creative writing. i can't wait to take photo. that should really help with The Job.

jan is almost over, ive been assigned a new case and im still trying to get back into the groove of things.

and i wish i was going to kauai with celise and mr. maul.

so jealous.

tag steal

i stole this from cate over at retrolifestyle. i like doing these. apparently, they're only supposed to be one word answers. and cate's right. there's no way in hell i can just put one word down. but i will. anything that needs to be further explained will have a star next to it and you can read the long version at the end.

Where is your mobile phone? backpack

Where is your significant other? neverland

Your hair colour? brown

Your mother? abby

Your father? john

Your favourite thing? tea

Your dream last night? dreamy

Your dream goal? agent*

The room you're in? mine

Your hobby? reading

Your fear? family**

Where do you want to be in 6 years? college

Where were you last night? home

What you're not? white***

One of your wish-list items? love

Where you grew up? apple valley, ohio****

The last thing you did? eat

What are you wearing? jeans

Your TV? 42"

Your pets? nonexistent

Your computer? laptop

Your mood? contemplative

Missing someone? always

Your car? bug

Something you're not wearing? shoes

Favourite shop? old navy

Your summer? adapting*****

Love someone? yes

Your favourite colour? purple

When is the last time you laughed? today

When is the last time you cried? 1******

*as in working for The Company. in an "we will claim your existence" capacity. possibly. but i also love photography and would like to try my hand at acting, too.

**im leery of the familial unit. being in too many foster homes can do that to a person. altho Chief and Irish are very, very, verrrrryyyyy slooooowly changing my mind about that.

***i know what you're thinking. "she looks white to me." even though it looks obvious in the black and white pic on here. and yes. if you ever meet me in person, i could pass for a white girl. but i'm not. im just light-skinned. three-shades-lighter-than-beyonce. john and abby asher, the couple who adopted me when i was baby, were an interracial couple. he was white, she was black. they told me my biological parents were black, but light-skinned. it's possible there could be some white in my history.

****john and abby had a farm, e-i-e-i-o. lol. just kidding. i consider apple valley my home, even though i was taken from there after they died. my most recent home was manhattan.

*****The Company gave me a year to adapt to my new life before giving me my first case.

******i meant 1 yr ago. when i knew for a fact that i was getting my new life.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

no. she. di-int

o.m.g. people are a trip and a half sometimes. if i could hand out Stupid Citations to people, id be doing it every day at The Other Job. like last night? a lady asked me if she could get her shoes for a discount because her matching shoe, the one in her size, was on display.

say what?

i had to seriously hold my tongue. seriously. i didnt say anything for a good 15 seconds.

now, mind you, there’s nothing wrong with the shoe. there were no scratches, no teeth marks, no stinkiness.

it was just a display shoe.

we have to do this. we have to take one shoe from each box and put it on display. well, i knew it would never happen, but i had to ask the mgr anyway. the lady had the nerve to throw a hissy when we told her no.

are you kidding me?

bee-yotch, you better get the hell outta my store!