Thursday, March 5, 2009

the difference between him and those other guys

so you know that i cashed in my Get Out of Hell Free card (see Hello, My Name is…post) and headed to the Valley of the Sun. okay, well maybe you didn’t know that last part, but i basically left a craptacular old life and started over. although i owe The Company for helping out with that, Chief (not his real name) was the main reason for getting out. Chief is a total-10-on-Hotness-Richter-Scale 6′3 native-american dude, ex-Navy SEAL, and the owner of Black Hawk Protection Agency. im his client and he’s my protector until I turn 18.

there are companies out there that offer personal protection or security for individuals; people who will analyze and protect someones personal business,home or property. Making sure someone is safe in their surroundings. Of course, there are also private investigators that can provide services for the individual (think spousal or matrimonial stuff) or a small business. but thats not how Black Hawk Protection Agency works. it started with Chief, then the guys from his SEAL unit joined after their tour was up, and now he’s in charge of almost ten guys.

and they protect children, ages 4 to 19.

children born of famous actors, actresses, dignitaries, billionaries...blah, blah, you get what im sayin.

in celise’s words, “hes the vaughn to your sidney.” (Can we say, too much Alias, boys and girls?)

I never watched the show--and i know she misses it like hell--but it was one of her favorites and she explained what she meant.

So, yeah. I like it. it makes sense.

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